
Asking for permission

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  • May I go to the restroom with my friend?
    Yes, you may. You may go to the restroom with your friend.
  • Can I copy your homework?
    Yes, you can. You can copy my homework.
  • Can I pet your dog?
    Yes, you can. You can pet my dog.
  • Can I go out with friends?
  • May I go to the shopping mall with my friends?
    No, you may not. You may not go to the shopping mall with your friends.
  • Can I sleep at your house tonight?
    Yes, you can. You can sleep at my house tonight.
  • Can I play video game now?
    Of course.
  • Can I get some water?
    No, you can't. You can't get any water.
  • Can I go to Jay's house?
    Absolutely not.
  • Can I have ice cream before lunch?
    Sure. Why not?
  • Can I use my cellphone?
    No, you can't. You can't use your cellphone.
  • May I have a piece of your cake?
    No, you may not. You may not have a peice of my cake.
  • May I borrow a pencil?
    No, you may not. You may not borrow a pencil.