
Citizenship Vocabulary

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  • What are "illegal drugs"?
    like marijuana or heroin or cocaine
  • What is "child soldiers"?
    children who are forced to fight
  • What does it mean "deported"?
    U.S. makes you return to your country
  • What does "overdue" mean?
  • What are "Armed Forces"
    Army, Navy, Marines
  • What does it mean "terrorist"?
    attack the government, lik 9/11
  • What does "oath of allegiance" mean?
    a promise of loyalty
  • What is legally incompetent?
    you can't make your own decisions
  • What does it mean "habitual drunkard"?
    to get drunk every day
  • What is a "gang"?
    a group who does illegal things
  • What is "arrested"
    take to jail
  • What is "communist"?
    like government of Cuba or China
  • What does it mean "to bear arms"?
    to carry a gun
  • What is a "title of nobility"?
    like a king or queen
  • What does it mean "cited"?
    to get a ticket