
A1 Lesson 33-34

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  • a place where children go to be educated
  • Is there any food that you can’t eat?
  • Do you eat dinner in front of the TV or at the dining table?
  • a place where people who are ill or injured are treated and taken care of by doctors and nurses
    a hospital
  • Paul likes to____(go out\go outside) on Monday night and have a cocktail, even though he has to work on Tuesday morning
    go out
  • Where do doctors work?
    Doctors work in hospitals.
  • Sam and Jessica have been (going out\going outside) for a year. (That means dating, like boyfriend and girlfriend)
    going out
  • It's a heavy rain, I don't want to (go out\go outside).
    go outside
  • a street where the most important shops and businesses in a town are; There's a new Italian restaurant opening on the .....
    on the high street
  • Would you like to eat out every day?Would this be healthy?
  • How often do you go out to McDonald's or KFC?
  • an area designed for children to play in outside, especially at a school or in a park
  • Where can I have lessons?
    You can have lessons at school.
  • a place where you can buy products or other things
  • How often do you eat out? (eat out = go out = eat\go to the restaurants, cafes and so on)
  • My friends and I ____(go out\go outside) every Saturday night. We usually order sushi and juice
    go out
  • Oh, it's hot in here. I'm going to ____(go out\go outside) and get some fresh air.
    go outside
  • a large area of land with grass and trees
    a park
  • Where do you wait for the bus?
    I usually wait for the bus at the bus stop