
6 Ele: Revision: L9 Action (Words)

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  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    kàn diàn yǐng (watch movie)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    kàn diàn shì (watch TV)
  • Tell the action in Mandarin.
    拍皮球 (pāi pí qiú)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    tī zú qiú (play football)
  • Tell the action in Mandarin.
    荡秋千 (dàng qiū qiān)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    yóu xì (game)
  • Tell the action in Mandarin.
    玩电脑游戏 (wán diàn nǎo yóu xì)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    kàn shū (reading)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    tán gāng qín (play piano)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    shàng wǎng (surf internet)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    qí zì xíng chē (cycling)
  • Tell the action in Mandarin.
    捉迷藏 (zhuō mí cáng)
  • Read the word and tell the meaning.
    pǎo bù (jogging)
  • Tell the action in Mandarin.
    滑滑梯 (huá huá tī)