
Macbeth plot revision

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  • Where is the play set?
  • True or false? Macbeth himself murders Banquo by stabbing him with a dagger.
    False - Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son, however Banquo's son escapes.
  • Which of these is NOT a theme in Macbeth?
    The supernatural
    Power and ambition
    Coming of age
  • Who kills Macbeth in the end?
    Lady Macbeth
    King Duncan's sons
    The Witches
  • What is Macbeth's fatal character flaw?
    Being blinded by love
    Excessive ambition
  • Who is the first person that Macbeth kills?
    King Duncan
  • Who is blamed for the death of King Duncan?
    Lady Macbeth
    The servants who were guarding his room.
    The three witches
  • What do the three witches predict for Macbeth at the start of the play?
    That he will become the king of Scotland.
  • Why does Macbeth decide to kill his friend Banquo?
    Because the witches said that Banquo's sons will become heir to the throne.
  • When is Macbeth crowned king?
    After he kills Banquo.
    At the end of the play.
    At the start of the play.
    After King Duncan's sons flee.
  • What do the witches say to Macbeth to make him think he will not be harmed?
    That God is on his side.
    That no man born of a woman can harm him.
    That he is stronger than everyone else.
    That they will protect him.
  • Whose ghost does Macbeth see in the middle of the play?
    King Duncan
    Lady Macbeth
  • What does Lady Macbeth repeatedly do as she starts to lose her mind?
    See ghosts
    Visit the witches
    Wash her hands