
Passages 2 - quantifiers

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  • Complete: All of, a lot of, lots of, some of, most of and fractions (¼) take a _____________ verb when the subject is singular
  • TRUE OR FALSE: The correct verb conjugation is based on the subject or on how we mentioned it.​
  • what does "ruok" mean?
    are you OK?
  • three-fifth of my students __________ (not-do) their homework yesterday.
    didn't do
  • Most polluted water ________ (come) from big companies
  • Most people ________ (not-need) to write well.
    don't need
  • Complete: Most of the audience __________ (scream) when the host appears
  • TRUE OF FALSE: the subject is who “receives” the action in a sentence.
    FALSE. the subject is who “performs” the action in a sentence.
  • what does "xlnt" mean?
  • Complete: All of, a lot of, lots of, some of, most of and fractions (¼) take a _____________ verb when the subject is plural
  • tell me 3 quantifiers that accept a plural verb in informal speech
    each of, every one of, none of, collective nouns (majority/minority)
  • None of us __________ (have) the write to judge others
    has / informal: have
  • Complete: The minority of people my age __________ (worry) ________________
    The minority of people my age worries about ____________
  • Some old people __________ (not use) _________________
    Some old people don’t use ______________
  • "everyone, someone, anyone, no one" are followed by a .......
    singular verb
  • What does 'cul8r' mean?
    see you later
  • A large number of students ________ (be) absent last class