
Let's Talk Technology

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  • What is the oldest invention in the world?
  • What electronic brands do you trust most? Do you always like to buy the newest model?
  • When you buy new device, do you always read the instructions manual? Or do you try to guess how to use it?
  • Which websites do you use the most?
  • Which modern invention could you not live without?
  • Some people dislike or fear technology. Do you know anyone like this?
  • Which invention would make Santa's life easier?
  • Which piece of technology was a complete waste of money?
  • Name 3 famous inventors
    Steve Jobs, Alexander Fleming, Thomas Edison...
  • Which piece of technology do you wish didn't exist?
  • How do you feel if you forget your phone at home? Can you spend a whole day without your phone?
  • What is the most expensive piece of technology you have ever bought?
  • Name 3 things an inventor has to do everyday
    think of new ideas, build a prototype, test the invention
  • Name 3 gadgets that have screens
    laptop, phone, tablet...
  • What are the three most important inventions of all time?
  • Do computers save time or do they make us waste more time?
  • Does technology ever annoy you? Why?
  • What is the next gadget you want to buy?