
labeling by attributes

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  • tell me something that is cold
    snow, ice
  • tell me two things that can fly
    birds, kites, planes, butterflies
  • tell me two body parts
    hands, feet, arms, legs, head
  • tell me two types of vegetables
    brocolli, carrots, lettuce, corn, peas
  • tell me a fruit that can be green
    apple, grape, kiwi, pear
  • tell me two types of furniture
    chair, table, couch....
  • tell me two months
    january, february, march, april, may, june, july....
  • tell me something that is red
    apple, stop sign, marker, strawberry
  • tell me two musical instruments
    violin, piano, trumpet, drums
  • tell me something you can read
    book, sign, card
  • tell me something you can cut with
    knife, scissors
  • tell me two things you can drink
    water, juice
  • tell me two things that have wheels
    bicylce, car, truck, train
  • tell me 2 animals you would see on a farm
    cow, horse, chicken, pig
  • tell me something you sleep in
  • tell me two bugs
    butterfly, ant, bee, fly
  • tell me two things you can write with
    pencil, crayon, marker
  • tell me two things you can wear
    shirt, socks, shoes, hat, pants
  • tell me something you brush your teeth with