
Islamic Studies Level 3

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  • In which month of the Muslim calendar, did the battle of badr take place?
    17th Ramadan
  • What should we say before we start eating or drinking?
  • What are the questions that a person need to answer in the grave?
    1. who is your lord? 2. what is your religion? 3. who is this man?
  • Who else we should treat the way we treat our mothers?
    Our aunts
  • How many books were revealed by Allah swt?
  • what does Al Qadir mean?
    The All Powerful
  • How many men did the Quraysh gather to take revenge in the battle of Uhud?
  • Tawrah was revealed to __________.
    Musa (as)
  • How many archers did the Prophet (sa) place?
  • Those who receive their Book of Deeds in their right hand will go to __________.
  • What is the last book revealed by Allah swt?
    The Quran
  • How long will the Day of Judge be?
    50,000 years
  • Which mosque did Prophet (sa) go to in Jerusalem?
    Masjid e Aqsa
  • Paradise is underneath the feet of _________.
  • what might happen to your good actions if haram food enters your body?
    our duas will not be accepted
  • Name the two sons of Adam (as).
    Habil and Qabil
  • where did Prophet (sa) place the archers?
    in a small gap between two mountains
  • What name of Allah swt means "The Creator".
    Al Khaliq
  • Name the angels who ask the person in the grave?
    Munkar and Nakir
  • Salah is a key to ___________
    Paradise, Jannah
  • what is the meaning of dawah?
    inviting people to Islam
  • What happen to our reward if we perform Salah in a masjid?
    The reward is multiplied 27 times
  • Angels have extraordinary powers. True/False
  • Prophets have been sent to different people so they can guide them. True/False
  • Who told the Prophet (sa) to ask Allah swt to lower the amount of prayers?
    Musa (as)
  • Which angel is the in charge of the weather.
    Mikail (as)