
Industrial Revolution

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  • Who led the movement to increase and improve education for females?
    Catherine Beecher
  • What contributed to deadly diseases in the crowded cities at this time?
    Polluted water and lace of sanitation.
  • Who was Sarah Bagley? What did she do?
    She was a "Lowell girl" who fought for better working conditions in the factories by forming the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association.
  • What source powered the textile mills?
  • A person who arrives in a country to live after leaving another country is called?
    An immigrant
  • What does "urban" mean?
  • What was the shift from hand making products to making products in factories called?
    Industrial Revolution
  • Early immigrants (in the 19th Century) who to the U.S. came mostly from what three countries?
    Ireland, Great Britain and Germany
  • What invention by Eli Whitney allowed for the replacement of individual parts in guns?
    Interchangeable parts
  • What were some of the dangers of early trains?
    Sparks set fields on fire and early engines sometimes jumped the tracks.
  • What was the easiest way (in that time) to move goods and people?
  • What were some attractions to urban life for the people?
    Movie theaters and concerts as well as book and magazine publishing. Also, there were cafes, libraries etc.
  • What are textiles?
  • In 1840 the federal government set a workday limit of how many hours a day?
  • Free African Americans who moved north usually worked what kind of jobs?
    Men: Service jobs like house servants, waiters, barbers etc. Women: laundresses, dressmakers, cooks etc.
  • Why was the Northeast the area where mills/ factories were first built?
    Presences of streams with run off from melting. Population of workers. Merchant trading ships and ports.
  • What famous canal was built in New York all the way from the Hudson River to Lake Erie? What was its nickname?
    The Erie Canal also referred to as "Clinton's Big Ditch".
  • What are organizations that workers form to improve their working conditions?
    Labor unions
  • What were the advantages of trains as the new transportation?
    Could... 1. go anywhere tracks could be put down. 2. Go faster 3. Haul more and 4. Operate all year.
  • By the 1830s what became a major part of transportation on the waterways?
  • With so many more people traveling by the 1830s and 1840s more roads were needed. Roads that charged fees or tolls were called?
  • What new "class" of people developed by 1840 as personal income grew?
    The middle class
  • What system connected waterways?
  • What was a dangerous water born disease that killed many at this time?
  • What is leisure time?
    Time when you don't have to work!
  • What is the process of making large numbers of identical goods in great quantities called?
    mass production
  • A new anti-immigration political party was formed in 1849. What was it called? What were the members often called?
    The American Party. The "Know Nothings".
  • When workers protest unsafe and unjust working conditions by refusing to work until their demands are met it is called?
    A strike.
  • What became the busiest route for moving people west in the 1820s to 1840s?
    The Erie Canal
  • If someone lives in a "rural" area where do they live?
    In the country, open area.
  • A person who leaves a country to live somewhere else is called?
    An emigrant
  • People who believed the newcomers and unlimited immigration would destroy American institutions were called?