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  • We _____(shop) for jeans when Gina ______(walk) past and _____ (say) 'Hi'
    were shopping / walked / said
  • I _______(not be) at school yesterday. I ______(be) at a friend's party.
    wasn't / was
  • In the past, my grandparents _________ go swimming in the sea every Monday.
    used to / would
  • 'What ________ (do) at 6.00 PM?' asked the judge.
    were you doing
  • Linda _______ (walk) her dog, when suddenly, she ______(hear) a loud noise.
    was walking / heard
  • While you ________ (hide) from the enemy, I ___________ (call) the police immediately.
    were hiding / called
  • ___________(you) ride a bike when you were 9 years old?
    Did you use to
  • My wardrobe _______ (not cost) very much, I think.
    didn't cost / did not cost
  • He ________ (sew) his button to the jeans.
  • _______ Lisa __________ (try on) a hoodie yesterday at 9.30?
    Was / trying on
  • There ______ a big snake on one of the hoodies.
  • I _______(wait) for the bus when suddenly I ______(see) Lois.
    was waiting / saw
  • Karen and I __________(not meet) last year.
    did not meet / didn't meet
  • My dad _______(cook) dinner while my brothers and I ________ (watch) Netflix.
    was cooking / were watching
  • How _____ the python _____ get in my house?
    did / get
  • The police finally ________(catch) the thief.
  • My grandmother _______ be a little bit taller.
    used to