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  • It may rain later in the evening. What type of modal is used?
  • We have to finish the project before the end of the week. What type of modal is used?
  • What is a Modal Verb?
    Modal verbs are helping verbs that expresses an action.
  • Make a sentence using Modal of Possibility.
    Student's Answer.
  • Give 3 ideas on how to pass the exam using Modal of Obligation.
    Student's Answer.
  • Make a sentence using Modal of Ability.
    Student's Answer.
  • Name a modal verb that express Advice.
  • Give me 1 importance of learning Modals.
    Student's Answer.
  • Make a sentence using Modal of Advice.
    Student's Answer.
  • Name 2 modal verbs that express Ability
    Can, Could
  • Could you please pass me the salt? What type of modal is used?
  • Give me the 5 types of modals
    Ability, Obligation, Advice, Possibility, and Permission
  • Give 3 facts about yourself using Modal of Ability.
    Student's Answer.
  • Name two modal verbs that express Possibility.
    May, Might
  • Make a sentence using Modal of Obligation.
    Student's Answer.
  • Make a sentence using Modal of Permission.
    Student's Answer.