
Grade 5 Chapter 8

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  • feast of the Passover commemorates the two times when the Lord saved the Israelites - from ?
    the final plague (the death of firstborns) and from passing through the Red Sea while chased by Pharoah and his troops
  • The Lord instructed Moses to not break the --------- of the -------- they sacrificed (Exodus 12:46);
    bones , lamb
  • In many Christian households, there is a painting by ------------- that is not considered an Orthodox icon and possibly not even Christian art.
    Leanardo Da Vinci
  • The Israelites passed through the ---------- Sea and were delivered from slavery
  • Feet washing was always an act of welcome done by a ----------
  • Last Supper is also called ----------------- Supper
    the Mystical Supper.
  • In St. John 13:3-17, Jesus rose from the supper, girded Himself with a ------- and washed His disciples’ feet.
  • Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) means the “-----------------”
    “passing over”
  • “Take, eat; this is my ------- . Drink of it all of you; for this is my -------- of the New Covenant” (St. Matthew 26:26-28).
    Body, Blood
  • The -------- of the lamb saved the Israelites’ first born from death.
  • ------------- was the last meal Jesus had with His disciples before His Passion.
    Last Supper