
Consumer Protection Act 2007

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  • What is the name of the Commission who looks after breaches of the Consumer Protection Act 2007?
    The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
  • True or false: If convicted of an offence under the Consumer Protection Act 2007, a trader will have to pay damages to the consumer?
    True, they will have to pay damages to the consumer if a trader if found to be in breach of the 2007 Act
  • What is a Consumer?
    Any person who buys products for personal use and not for commercial use
  • True or false: it is not misleading if you create a product that the average person could confuse it for another product
    False: it is misleading if you create a product that the average person would confuse for a different product
  • Who creates Law in Ireland?
    the European Union and the Irish Government
  • What practices are always banned? (Hint: there are 9)
    False claims that supply of the product is legal, false claims that products can cure illness, advertisements directly aimed at children, etc
  • What is a Contract?
    A formal agreement between 2 or more people which contains an offer and the acceptance of that offer
  • Who protects your rights in Ireland?
    The European Union and the Irish Government
  • What does the Consumer Protection Commission Act 2007 protect consumers from?
    False claims about goods, services and prices
  • When does consumer law take effect?
    It takes effect the moment that you enter a premises looking to purchase a product
  • What does consumer law aims to do?
    Make you feel confident shopping in person or online, provide you with enough information on the products you are buying and providing options of redress