
Flowers and Plants

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  • What part of a plant is this?
    It's the flower bud.
  • What kinds of plants do we eat?
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's a tree.
  • What part of the tree is this?
    They are the tree leaves.
  • What is this?
    It's a garden.
  • What part of the tree is this?
    They are the tree roots.
  • What part of the tree is this?
    They are the tree branches.
  • What part of the tree is this?
    It's the treetop.
  • What kinds of plants do we eat?
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's an African violet.
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's a sunflower.
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's a tulip.
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's a Lily.
  • What part of a plant is this?
    the roots
  • What part of a plant is this?
    the leaves
  • What part of a plant is this?
    It's the stalk.
  • What part of a plant is this?
    the petals
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's a rose.
  • What kinds of plants do we eat?
  • What kinds of plants do we eat?
  • What kinds of plants do we eat?
  • What part of a plant is this?
    the flowers
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's grass.
  • What kind of plant is this?
    It's an orchid.
  • What part of the tree is this?
    It's the tree trunk.