
Making Choices

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  • Would you rather live in a mountain cabin with no human contact or a big city studio apartment with three roommates?
  • Would you rather live in a world without music or one without colors?
  • Would you rather be around negative loved ones or positive strangers?
  • Would you rather get rid of 99% of the world’s population or make extinct 99% of all living creatures?
  • Would you rather live forever or die at a normal age?
  • Would you rather relive a past moment in your life or have the power to foresee a moment in your future?
  • Would you rather understand any language, or be able to play any musical instrument?
  • Would you rather be personally fulfilled or professionally fulfilled?
  • Would you rather have your life narrated by Morgan Freeman or your actions choreographed by a Broadway musical director?
  • Would you rather be unhoused or in prison?
  • Would you rather be obscenely wealthy and very unhealthy, or in perfect health and penniless?
  • Would you rather fulfill your biggest wish or resolve your biggest regret?
  • Would you rather never feel physical pain or never feel emotional pain?
  • Would you rather always be stressed or sad?
  • Would you rather stay young physically or mentally?
  • Would you rather trust everyone always or never trust anyone ever?
  • Would you rather pause this time in your life or fast forward through it?
  • Would you rather live a dangerous and exciting life or a safe and boring one?
  • Would you rather solve world hunger or cure cancer?
  • Would you rather end war or poverty?
  • Would you rather take your vacation at a resort or go camping?