
Junior Explorer 4 revision

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  • Przetłumacz: Twoje skarpetki są za łóżkiem.
    Your socks are behind the bed.
  • Say what these animals can do: a bat, a chimpanzee, a whale
    fly, do tricks / climb, swim
  • Zapytaj kolegę, czy lubi gotować.
    Do you like cooking?
  • Name 6 members of family
    mother, father, aunt, son, daughter, niece
  • Say all days of the week
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
  • Zapytaj kolegę, czy możesz odpisać od niego zadanie domowe.
    Can I copy your homework?
  • Name 5 uncountable food items
    chicken, water, juice, sugar, soup
  • Give 5 countable food items
    a sandwich, an egg, an apple, an onion, a banana
  • Powiedz, o której godzinie wstajesz.
    I get up at ...
  • Przetłumacz: Ale bałagan!
    What a mess!
  • Zapytaj kolegę, kto jest jego ulubionym piłkarzem.
    Who is your fovourite footballer?
  • Say how often you do these things: watch TV, play computer games, ride a bike
    never / every day / sometimes / at the weekend etc.
  • Name 5 school subjects
    maths, PE, geography, art, biology
  • Zapytaj kolegę, która jest godzina.
    What time is it?
  • What's your favourite sport? What equipment do you need for it?
    Eg. football: boots, t-shirt and shorts, a football
  • Name 4 rooms in the house and give 1 piece of furniture for each room
    Kitchen: oven, bathroom: shower, living room: sofa, bedroom: wardrobe
  • Poproś o szklankę herbaty
    Can I have a cup of tea, please?