
Chapter 18: Reconstruction

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  • Radical Republicans were the ones who wanted control of Reconstruction measures.
  • What was the Fifteenth Amendment?
    States cannot deny citizen's right to vote because of race or color
  • An amnesty is a government pardon.
  • Reconstruction is known as the rebuilding of the South.
  • The bill saying Southern white men couldn't vote or hold office to they had volunteered to fight for the confederacy.
    Wade-Davis Bill
  • Black codes angered Republicans in Congress because they kept freedmen from gaining any power and...
    They allowed for angry Southerners to harm freedmen
  • 3 ways Southern African Americans lost political rights were literacy test, poll taxes, and...
    Grandfather clauses
  • Black codes were certain laws that severely limited the rights of white men.
  • What early Reconstruction measure did Lincoln and Congress agree upon?
    Freedmen's Bureau
  • What was the Thirteenth Amendment?
    It banned slavery in every state of the nation.
  • Conservatives were white Southerners who did not want the South to change at all.
  • What was a "carpetbagger"?
    An insult for Northerns who came south after the war to make a profit
  • Johnson was impeached because he vetoed Reconstruction bills, and fired military officers in the South.
  • 3 problems faced by the South were Columbia, Richmond, and Atlanta were gone, 2/3 of railways were gone, and...
    Confederate money was worthless
  • Henry Grady's phrase that describes the Southern states using its natural resources to build up industry is...
    "New South"
  • Freedmen were people who had previously been slaves.
  • The Supreme Court ruling that said segregation was legal so long as facilities for blacks and whites were equal was:
    Plessy vs. Ferguson
  • Who created a new manufacturing process for Duke's Tobacco Company?
    James Duke
  • Jim Crow laws were a series of laws created in the South to discriminate against black people.
  • Who was President Lincoln's VP who became President after Lincoln's death?
    Andrew Johnson
  • Rutherford B. Hayes was the Republican nominee for president in the 1876 election.
  • Thaddeus Stevens was the leader of Radical Republicans from...
  • What was the Thirteenth Amendment?
    It banned slavery in every state of the nation.
  • To impeach is when Congress brings formal charges against a President to remove him from office.
  • Laws stating if a voter’s father or grandfather could vote in 1867, the voter did not have to take a literacy test were...
    Grandfather clause
  • What was a "scalawag"?
    An insult for Southerners who wanted the South to change
  • Who was President Lincoln's assassin?
    John Wilkes Booth
  • 3 ways Southern economy changed after Reconstruction were more coal production, new tobacco machinery, and...
    More cotton textiles
  • The government agency that helped former slaves, passed by Congress, and signed by Lincoln was the Freedmen's Bureau.
  • The bill saying the South could form a new govt. if 10% of its government pledged loyalty to the U.S. was called...
    Ten Percent Plan
  • A secret society of white Southerners who used violence to intimidate black and Conservative voters was called...
    The Ku Klux Klan
  • What was a "sharecropper"?
    A Freedmen who rented and farmed a plot of land from plantation owners
  • Segregation is the legal separation of races.
  • Hiram Revels was America's first black Senator.
  • A test that required voters to read and explain a section of the Constitution was a literacy test.
  • Charles Sumner was the leader of the Radical Republicans from...
  • What was the Fourteenth Amendment?
    All persons born or naturalized in the United States are now citizens
  • Blanche K. Bruce was first black American to serve a full Senate term.
  • A fee required by Southern voters every time they voted was a...
    Poll tax