
PI TWO 7C-D Wrap up

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  • Use "for a change" in a sentence.
  • Use "change" as a verb in a sentence.
  • Show relief: "I don't think it's anything to worry about"
    What a relief!/Phew. That's good to hear!
  • Tell us about a health problem you've had in the last 6 months.
  • Which linking word do we use for the final action, event or result?
    in the end
  • Your arm hurts. Describe your symptoms to the doctor.
  • Answer to the doctor's question: Where does it hurt?
  • Which linking word means "after a short time"?
  • Show concern: "You shouldn't sit down so much!"
    Oh, dear! Really?
  • Which linking word means "after a longer time period"?
    after a while