
Past Simple vs Past Continuous

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  • What ______ you ______ (do) when the police ______ (arrive)?
    were you doing, arrived
  • We _________ (have) a picnic when it _________ (begin) to rain.
    were having, began
  • The teacher was talking, but David ___________ (not listen) to her.
    wasn't listening
  • While George _____ (repair) his bike, his kids_____ (play) video games.
    was repairing, were playing
  • Ann ______ (study) for his test while Jim ______ (listen) to the radio.
    was studying, was listening
  • Grandpa ______ (find) some old coins while he ______ (work) in the garden.
    found, was working
  • When you _________ (call) last night I _________ (do) my homework.
    called, was doing
  • They _______ (play) cards when the postman _______ (come).
    were playing, came
  • While I _________ (watch) TV, someone _________ (knock) on the window.
    was watching, knocked
  • He _______ (break) his leg while he _______ (ride) his bike at the weekend.
    broke, was riding
  • Last Monday, I ______ (finish) work early and _______ (go) home.
    finished, went
  • Correct the mistakes: Tim didn’t went to Italy last week.
    didn't go
  • Correct the mistakes: Did you knew the answer?
  • How fast _________ he _________ (drive) when the accident _________ (happen)?
    was he driving, happened
  • What _____ you _____ (have) for dinner yesterday?
    did you have
  • What ________ you __________ (do) when the dog ran into the room?
    were you doing
  • We _______ (not play) football at the weekend. We had to study.
    didn't play
  • Correct the mistakes: Were you played football when your phone felt out of the window?
    were you playing, fell
  • Charlie __________ (hide) in my wardrobe when Lola _________ (find) him.
    was hiding, found
  • Yesterday at 5 pm, they ___________ (not watch) TV, they __________ (read).
    weren't watching, were reading.
  • This morning I ______ (get up) and I ______ (make) breakfast for everybody.
    got up, made
  • I __________ (have) a bath while my mum ___________ (watch) TV.
    was having, was watching
  • Sally _____ (take) a photo of me while I ________ (dance).
    took, was dancing
  • Correct the mistakes: Did you cook dinner when my sister call you?
    Were you cooking, called
  • While she _______ (tidy) up her room, he _______ (wash) his car.
    was tidying, was washing
  • I _______ (sleep) happily when a loud noise _______ me up (wake).
    was sleeping, woke
  • When _______ he ________ (have) the accident? - As he was climbing up the ladder.
    did he have
  • I _______(see) a famous celebrity when I _______ (shop) on Oxford Street yesterday.
    saw, was shopping
  • The computer _______ (break) while I ______ (check) my bank balance.
    broke, was checking
  • I _______ (sweep) the floor when I _______ (hear) a noise.
    was sweeping, heard