
Present Simple Tense & Present Continuous Tense

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  • I [not understand] what they [talk] about because they [?] Chinese.
    I do not understand what they are talking about because they are speaking Chinese.
  • How long [the flight / last] ? Can you check in the [?] ?
    How long does the flight last? Can you check in the ticket / boarding pass?
  • My mom [often / have] a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast.
    My mom often has a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast.
  • I currently [save] some money because I want to travel to Spain next summer.
    I am currently saving some money because I want to travel to Spain next summer.
  • Make a question from the answer. "My sister lives in [Sydney]."
    Where does your sister live?
  • The women [sit] in the park at the moment.
    The women are sitting in the park at the moment.
  • Dogs [be] good friends.
    Dogs are good friends.
  • Tom and Mark [try] to improve their French. They [study] together every afternoon.
    Tom and Mark are trying to improve their French. They study together every afternoon.
  • We [not / sleep] at the moment, but we [solve] some math problems.
    We are not sleeping at the moment, we are solving some math problems.
  • "This is an amazing event!" Is the previous sentence a present simple tense or present continuous tense?
    Present Simple Tense
  • I [think] Sarah [tell] the truth now.
    I think Sarah is telling the truth now.
  • He usually [play] the drums, but he [play] bass guitar tonight.
    He usually plays the drums, but he is playing bass guitar tonight.
  • His dad and brother [cycle] to the shops.
    His dad and brother are cycling to the shops.
  • Spring semester [?] in April and [finish] in August.
    Spring semester starts in April and finishes in August.
  • [Wh- / you / bake], Mom? It smells so good!
    What are you baking, Mom? It smells so good!
  • Make a question from the answer. "I'm writing [five] emails."
    How many emails are you writing?
  • Palace / Queen / in / England / of / Buckingham / The / lives / .
    The Queen of England lives in Buckingham Palace.
  • That coat over there [not / belong] to me.
    That coat over there doesn’t belong to me.
  • making / breakfast / Is / this morning / dad / ?
    Is dad making breakfast this morning?
  • ! / dogs / cat / after / Look / the / The / running / is / .
    Look! The dogs is running after the cat.