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  • Is Paola Oliveira attractive, very attractive or not attractive?
    She is very attractive
  • What is an informal way to say "good morning"
  • What is another way to say "Thank you"
  • What's Multivix
    It's a college
  • Are you here in CCAA or there in your house?
    I am here in my house
  • Is he ok or sick?
    He is sick
  • Are you married or single?
    I am single
  • What is this?
    A water cooler
  • Is Miguel here in this meeting?
    No, he isn't
  • Is Lucas a male name or a female name?
    It's male
  • What is this?
    It's a cubicle
  • Are you short or tall?
    I am tall
  • Are you a marketing manager?
    No, I am not a marketing manager