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  • Be wound up
    To be tense, anxious, or agitated, usually due to stress or anticipation.
  • Dwell on
    To think or ponder over something for an extended period of time, often to the point of fixation or obsession.
  • Quandary
    A state of uncertainty or perplexity, often caused by a difficult situation where one is unsure what to do.
  • Look on the bright side
    To focus on the positive aspects of a situation, rather than dwelling on the negatives.
  • Analysis paralysis
    Overthinking that leads to inability to decide or act.
  • Hesitant
    Showing reluctance or uncertainty in making a decision or taking action.
  • Carry on
    To continue or proceed with one's activities or plans, despite difficulties or setbacks.
  • Be torn
    To feel conflicted or divided between two choices or feelings.
  • Make one’s mind up
    To reach a decision or conclusion after considering various options or factors.
  • Be between a rock and a hard place
    To be in a situation where one has to choose between two equally undesirable options, often feeling trapped or without a good solution.
  • Waver
    To fluctuate or hesitate between different choices or opinions.
  • Be of two minds
    To be undecided or conflicted between two options or opinions.
  • Turn something down
    To reject or decline an offer, invitation, or opportunity.
  • Be at one’s wit’s end
    To be extremely frustrated or perplexed by a situation, feeling as though all options have been exhausted.
  • Work out
    To resolve or solve a problem through effort or planning, often leading to a successful outcome.
  • Opportunity of a lifetime
    An exceptional chance or prospect that may not come again, often considered highly advantageous or valuable.
  • Gut feeling
    An instinctive or intuitive sense about something, often without conscious reasoning.
  • Dilemma
    A situation where a person is faced with two equally undesirable options, making it difficult to choose between them.