
Review module 2

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  • Unscramble: thmoer
  • Point to these things in your classroom: books, pen, pencil case, posters, books
  • Complete the conversation with: there is, there isn't, there are, there aren't, is there, are there
    Are there / there aren't
  • Order: and / a bus station / there is / a railway station
    There is a bus station and a railway station
  • Who are Justin and Linda? (Tom)
    They are Tom's cousins
  • Unscramble: tuna
  • Complete with my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
  • Point to these things in your classroom: dictionary, bag, chair, desk, rubber
  • Complete with my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
  • Where are my socks? (It is/They are in/on/under/next to...)
    They're under the chair
  • Complete with my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
  • Complete with my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their
  • Where is my rubber? (It is/They are in/on/under/next to...)
    It's in the pencil case
  • Unscramble: hrobetrh
  • Who is Richard? (Justin)
    He is Justin's uncle
  • Who are Howard and Fait? (Linda)
    They are Linda's grandparents
  • Where are my sweets? (It is/They are in/on/under/next to...)
    They're under the book
  • Complete the conversation with: there is, there isn't, there are, there aren't, is there, are there
    Is there / there isn't / There is
  • Order: but / any supermarkets / there aren't / a lot of shops / there are
    There aren't any supermakerts but there are a los of shops
  • Make sentences with: There's a.../There isn't a.../There are two.../There aren't any...
  • Make sentences with: There's a.../There isn't a.../There are two.../There aren't any...