
CS 9 Unit 2 The Quest for Meaning and Connection

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  • A solemn agreement where mutual commitments are made and a sacred relationship is formed...defines...
  • The Bible is not a book, it is a _____________
  • Every human being is sacred because we are all made in this...
    the image and likeness of God
  • This approach to reading Sacred Scripture takes a LITERALIST approach to reading it
  • Which approach to reading Sacred Scripture does not take a LITERALIST approach, rather understands that figurative language and context must be taking into consideration?
    Contextualist approach
    Fundamentalist approach
  • These Truths can be learned through observation of the world around us, but also requires faith and hope in believing what cannot be seen
    Religious Truths
    Historical Truths
    Scientific Truths
  • This is the type of love we have for our husband or wife
  • What (or rather who) is the New Covenant?
  • This is the type of love we have for our family
  • What term do we use to describe the first sin of Adam and Eve and the sin that all of us are born with?
    Original Sin
  • This is the type of love we have for our friends
  • Science can explain the HOW, but Faith in GOD explains what?
    the WHY
  • Someone's personal story of their faith life and belief in God is defined as this...
    Testimony of Faith
  • After they sinned, Adam and Eve did not deserve this, but God gave it to them as a gift anyway (out of love)
    Free will
    Grace and mercy
  • What are LITERAL stories or truths?
    They mean exactly what they say - word for word, face value
    They are like teaching truths through fairytales or fables
    They use figurative language, like hyperbole, to teach truth
  • The promised this man that he would never again flood the earth
  • First mover, contingency, causality, perfection, and intelligent design are knowns as what?
    the 5 proofs of the existence of God
  • God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, Abraham followed out of what?
    Blind, robotic obedience
    Faithful obedience
  • This is the love that God has for us and it is unmatched because it is perfect
  • The way that God is revealed to us through the natural order and created universe
    Observation Revelation
    Divine Revelation
    Natural Revelation
  • This is the NUMBER ONE virtue
  • God promised this man that he would have descendents that would number the stars, blessing, and land
  • These Truths can be proven through experimentation, observation, and empirical data
    Religious truths
    Scientific truths
    Historical truths
  • What did God put in the sky to prove to Noah that he will keep his promise to Noah to never send a worldwide flood
  • In Sacred Scripture, this is one of the easiest teachings to learn and the most difficult to live out
    love your enemy
  • Scholastic Theology means that we can learn about God by using this:
    Our brain/intelligence
  • Yes or No: Believing in Science and believing in God are opposites
  • We can SEE God's existence and glory HERE
    in everything he has created/the world around us/the universe
  • These are the minimum requirements for a Catholic
    the 5 precept of the church