
B2.3 Unit 2 - Keep up the good work

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  • empower
    To give someone the authority, confidence, or control to do something; to enable or strengthen an individual or group.
  • attainable goals
    Objectives or targets that are feasible or within reach, allowing for realistic achievement.
  • eager
    Feeling keen or enthusiastic about something; having a strong desire or interest.
  • acknowledge
    To recognize or show appreciation for something or someone's efforts, achievements, or existence.
  • demoralize
    To undermine or weaken the confidence, spirit, or morale of someone or a group, often through discouragement or disillusionment.
  • day-to-day
    Relating to the routine activities or tasks that are typically carried out on a daily basis.
  • mind-numbing
    Extremely boring, monotonous, or tedious to the point of causing mental numbness or fatigue.
  • incentivize
    To provide motivation or encouragement for someone to do something by offering incentives or rewards.
  • mundane
    Lacking excitement or interest; ordinary, dull, or commonplace.
  • jump at
    To eagerly seize or take advantage of an opportunity or offer.
  • work-life balance
    The equilibrium between one's professional responsibilities or career and their personal life, ensuring that neither overshadows the other.
  • boost morale/morale boost
    To improve the overall mood, motivation, or confidence within a group or organization.
  • gamify
    To incorporate elements of games, such as competition, challenges, or rewards, into non-game contexts to enhance engagement or motivation.
  • foster
    To encourage the development or growth of something, such as a skill, relationship, or quality.