
Feudalism in Western Europe

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  • What is one evidence that shows us that the Catholic Church was very powerful?
    Owned 1/3 of land, picked the kings, controlled secular & nonsecular aspects, at top of social hierarchy
  • What was the Crusades about and was it successful?
    Christians wanted to take back the holy land of Jerusalem. Not successful
  • Give me one positive thing
  • Decentralized Government system set up in Western Europe in which kings divided up their land and gave it to vassals, the vassals pledged their loyalty.
  • What does self-sufficient mean?
    Runs by itself without to have basic needs met, without outside help or trade
  • What is one positive thing that came out of the Crusades?
    Trade, increase in knowledge/education
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
  • What equaled power in feudalism?
  • A large estate which includes farmland and villages
  • These people worked the lords land and could not leave
  • Were given land by the lord and pledged their loyalty in return
  • Land granted by a lord to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and service
  • What does decentralized mean?
    the power is not in the hands of a single ruler
  • What is one negative that came out of the Crusades?
    Spread of disease. Failed to take back the holy land.
  • A ruler or a powerful landholder that others pledged loyalty to
  • Economic system of western Europe in which lords gave land and protection to serfs in exchange for labor
  • What is one good thing the church did for the people of western Europe?
    Give alms (gave money to poor, ran orphanages, caretaker of the soul
  • Who fought in the Crusades?
  • Favorite holiday and why?
  • Why did Pope Urban II decide to join in on the Crusade?
    Gain power, take back holy land
  • What is one reason for the fall of Rome?
    Invasions, corruption, split the empire
  • How did the Crusades change Europe?
    Church lost power, kings gained power, rise of middle class, money economy
  • In what year did the Roman Empire Fall?
    476 C.E.