
Modal Verbs + vocab review

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  • What does this sign mean?
    You must use the guard/Always use the guard/Use the guard
  • Translate: "¡Peligro! Podrías atrapar tu mano en los engranajes"
    Danger! You might/could trap your hand in the gears
  • Translate: "Los cables permiten a la corriente eléctrica fluir"
    The wires allow the electric current to flow.
  • How do you call the part that contains the generator of a wing turbine?
  • How do you say "personal" in English?
  • Translate: "Aumenta la presión de la cámara"
    Increase the pressure of the chamber
  • How do you say "muelle" in English?
  • How do you say "tono de llamada"?
    dial tone
  • Translate: "Ten cuidado con la viga. Podrías hacerte daño/herirte en la cabeza".
    Be careful. You could/might injure/hurt your head.
  • Translate: "¿Cómo escaló al cable? Usó una escalera de mano.
    How did he climb to the cable? He used a ladder.
  • Be careful! High-voltage electricity. You _________ ____ an electric shock.
    might get
  • Translate into Spanish: "Heat makes a metal expand and cold causes it to contract"
    El calor hace que un metal se expanda y el frío causa que se contraiga.
  • This is a ____________ sign.
  • Translate: "¿Cuando ocurrió el accidente?"
    When did the accident happen?
  • Translate: "La válvula cerrada evita que el agua fluya hacia afuera"
    The closed valve prevents the water from flowing out
  • Rephrase this prohibition as an imperative: "You mustn't smoke in the workshop".
    Don't smoke in the workshop / Never smoke in the workshop / No smoking in the workshop
  • How do you say "boquilla" in English?
  • Translate: "Había extintores enfrente de las escaleras"
    There were fire extinguishers in front of the stairs.
  • Translate: "Hay comida en el banco de trabajo"
    There is food on the workbench.