
For quick-witted kids

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  • What's wrong in this picture?
    Polar bears and penguins live in different halves of the world, in different hemispheres.
  • What do you see?
    The Antarctic is a continent completely surrounded by water
  • Can penguins sledge?
    No, they can't. But they can toboggan
  • What are oil molecules like?
    They are non-polar. They have neither positive nor negative charge
  • What's wrong in this picture?
    Penguins don't bring the whole fish to feed their chicks. The ways they feed their children is called regurgitation
  • Where do Eskimos live?
    They live in the Arctic
  • What does this picture represent?
    It shows us that oil floats on top of water and it never sinks. They are immiscible
  • What are water molecules like?
    They are polar. They have both positive and negative charge
  • What do you see?
    The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land