
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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  • In which city is OHCHR's office (The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR))in Central Asia located?
    For 2018 , OHCHR has 12 regional offices. In Central Asia, the OHCHR office is located in Kyrgyzstan in the city of Bishkek.
  • True or False: UDHR was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world.
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was founded in ______ (year)
  • Which organization was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created under?
    The United Nations
  • How many rights are in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
  • According to OHCHR, which human rights violations were committed in Uzbekistan in 2020?
    torture and ill-treatment of convicts and detainees
  • What is article 1 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights about?
    Right to equality
  • The freedoms that all people should have
    Human Rights
  • It something cannot be taken away it is
  • What world situation preceded and led to the creation and establishment of the United Nations:
    World War II
  • Universal means...
    world wide
  • An international organization founded in 1945 to promote world peace and prevent future wars
    The United Nations or UN
  • True or False: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights are world wide laws.
  • Which former first lady was on the committee that created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Where and when was the World Declaration of Human Rights, which was first called the International Bill of Rights, proclaimed?
    Paris, December 10, 1948
  • What is the name of the document that lists the 30 human rights?
    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights / UDHR
  • Which article explains that everyone should be free from slavery?
  • After which was was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights created?
    World War II (2)
  • As the chair of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, Eleanor Roosevelt was the driving force in creating The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. TRUE or FALSE
    True - Under Mrs. Roosevelt’s dynamic chairmanship, in 1948 the UN Human Rights Commission drafted what became adopted by the UN and known today as The UDHR
  • Which article explains that everyone has a right to an education?
  • The idea that something applies to all people, regardless of their race, background, gender etc.
    Universalism/ Being universal
  • Freedom from Discrimination is from which Article?
  • Article 16 is about...
    Right to Marriage and Family
  • Human rights are "indivisible". What does that mean?
    All human rights are of equal importance (not a hierarchy)
  • True or False: UDHR was drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world.