
es5 unit 6 electrical devices

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  • What should we do to save electricity?
    We should use electricity - saving lights.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use fridge to keep our food longer.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use a washing machine to wash clothes.
  • What should we do to save electricity?
    We should use natural wind.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use a cooker to cook rice.
  • What should we do to save electricity?
    we should use natural light
  • What should we do to save electricity?
    We should close the fridge when we don’t use.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use an air fryer to fry chicken,bake cakes,...
  • What should we do to save electricity?
    We should unplug electricity devices when not in use.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use a lightbulb to light the house.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use hair dryer to dry our hair.
  • What are the uses of electrical devices?
    We use an air condition to warm or cool the room.
  • What should we do to save electricity?
    we should turn off the light when not in use.