
present cont-s (+ - ?)

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  • aren't /hiding/ they.
    They aren't hiding
  • snoring/he/is.
    He is snoring
  • wearing /he /a T-shirt/ is?
    Is he wearing a T-shirt?
  • playing/ tennis /is/ she.
    She is playing tennis
  • Say in English. Ты одета в красивое платье!
    You are wearing a pretty dress!
  • Say in English. Они не читают книгу.
    They aren't reading a book.
  • Say in English. Белла не делает ее домашнюю работу.
    Bella isn't doing her homework.
  • I/not drink/ coffee.
    I am not drinking coffee.
  • Patty/swim?
    Is Patty swimming?
  • she/not hide.
    She isn't hiding.
  • Say in English. Он поднимается по лестнице.
    He is coming upstairs.
  • the lion/roar.
    The lion is roaring.
  • the baby/sleep.
    the baby is sleeping.
  • we/play basketball?
    Are we playing basketball?
  • Say in English. Что они делают?
    What are they doing?
  • Say in English. Мальчик ест пиццу?
    Is the boy eating pizza?
  • They/not eat/ apples
    They aren't eating apples.