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  • Ben and Jordan are good friends. When a new boy moves into the neighborhood, Ben’s dad suggests they should invite the new kid over to play basketball. Ben and Jordan are shy, but they still ask him to play together
  • Lisa likes to play with Sara, but she’s been noticing that Sara has been lying a lot lately. Lisa told Sara that lying goes against what God teaches, and people won’t trust her if she keeps lying. Sara said she didn’t care. Wise or not wise
    Not wise
  • One of Cody’s classmates looked lonely on the playground. So Cody asked him if he wanted to play. Wise or not wise?
  • Trisha was angry that Ashley was bragging about beating her again in soccer. Trisha talked to Ashley and told her that it hurt her feelings. Ashley didn’t realize this and said she was sorry. Wise or not wise?
  • Jack wasn’t prepared for the test, so he asked a friend if he could cheat off her test. Wise or not wise?
    Not wise
  • At recess, Jenna’s classmate told her, “Don’t talk to Sally. She’s weird and she laughs funny. Let’s ignore her.” Jenna was afraid to speak up for Sally, so she went along with Jenna’s advice to ignore her. Wise or not wise?
    Not wise
  • Mason knew he was wrong when he took his friend’s toy, so he returned it and asked for forgiveness. He never stole anything again after that! Wise or not wise?
  • Sam knows he shouldn’t spread rumors about his classmates, but he likes how everyone listens to him, so he keeps doing it. Wise or not wise?
    Not wise
  • Tracy had a lot of friends. Some of them didn’t always do what was right. So she decided to hang out more with the friends that helped her follow God. Wise or not wise?
  • When Lily was at a friend’s house, the friend started playing a video game that Lily’s mom would not have approved. Since she knew it was wrong, she left the room right away and did not participate in the video game. Wise or not wise?