
Communication Variables 2

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  • What is "miscommunication?
    When your thought does not match your communication partner's thought.
  • What is "intention"?
    The meaning behind your words.
  • Conversation starters for acquaintances
    How's a going, What's up, What just happened, What do you think of [class], [Comment about shared interest], How was your weekend/day, ???
  • What is empathy?
    1. Figure out what the person is feeling. 2. Action to show you care.
  • Word Choice: Explain how to use curse words depending on your communication partner.
    Friends who use curse words: yes. Friends who don't use curse words: maybe not. Parents: maybe not. Adults/teachers who are not your parents: no!
  • What are emergency interruptions?
    "Can you hang on for a moment, I need to go to the bathroom?" "Woah, there's [something bad/crazy happening!" "So sorry to interrupt, but [something important]"
  • What are examples of social context clues?
    What just happened? What is about to happen? Who's around? Where are we?
  • What is the difference between an Inside Thought vs. Outside Sharing
    Inside Thoughts are thoughts you'd best keep to yourself. Outside Sharing is what you say to a communication partner.
  • Acquaintance vs. Friend
    Friend = someone you might sit next to in class or at lunch and talk to outside of school. Acquaintance = someone you might chat with at school.
  • What are some key parts of group collaboration?
    1. Compromise. 2. Empathy. 3. Participation.
  • Word Choice: Alternatives for "d" word, "f" word, "a" word, and "sh" word.
    Dang/darn, fudge/fridge, butt, shoot
  • When is it appropriate to ask a support teacher for help?
    Medium question
  • When is it appropriate to ask the teacher for help?
    Big question
  • Why does it matter who's in the group when communicating?
    If your communication partner doesn't know the others in the group very well, they might feel kind of shy or uncomfortable. Some people get "social anxiety."
  • What are rude interruptions?
    When you don't let your communication partner finish their whole thought. When you change the topic unexpectedly before they were done talking about the other.
  • When is it appropriate to ask a classmate for help?
    Small question
  • Why are feelings important to consider when communicating?
    How YOU feel affects how people interpret you, and how you interpret them. How THEY feel affects how you interpret them.