
Atlantic Revolutions Review

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  • Name one taxation act that Great Britain imposed on the American colonies.
    Sugar Act / Stamp Act / Currency Act / Quartering Act
  • Name one European country that did not fall under Napoleon's influence or control.
    Great Britain / Russia / Sweden / Portugal
  • What Napoleonic war had effects that influenced many of the Latin American revolutionary movements?
    The Peninsular War
  • What crime against Muslims (and all people) did Usman dan Fodio consider to be intolerable?
    The slave trade
  • Name one human right included in the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
    Liberty / Property / Security / Resistance to oppression
  • Who was the ruler of Great Britain during the American Revolution?
    King George III
  • What year did the "Tennis Court Oath" occur during?
  • After the French Revolution, Napoleon called his government a...
  • What year marked the beginning of the Haitian revolution?
  • How many "estates" was France's population divided into in the 18th century?
    Three (Clergy, Nobles, and everyone else)
  • Name one invention that was key to the Industrial Revolution.
    Spinning jenny / water-powered loom / steam engine / locomotives / railroads / cotton gin / telegraph etc.
  • What was the name of the caliphate that Usman dan Fodio fought to establish?
    The Sokoto Caliphate
  • Name one of the key figures from the Haitian revolution.
    Toussaint L'ouverture / Jean-Jacques Dessalines / Henry Christophe
  • What invention did James Watt make major improvements to in the 1760s?
    The steam engine
  • In what year did the Argentinian War for Independence begin?
  • In what year was the American Declaration of independence signed into being?
  • What country did France declare war on in 1792 due to its intentions to use force to restore Louis XVI to power?
  • What was the occupation of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?
  • Usman Dan Fodio's revolution took place in what is now modern...
  • In what year did México gain its independence through the Treaty of Córdoba?