
Review 1st Class _EM

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  • What are the days of the weekend?
    friday / saturday / sunday
  • When is your birthday?
    open answer
  • Complete: ________ Brazilian.
    He is / He's
  • What time is it? (both ways)
    ten after ten / ten ten
  • Spell the first 10 letters of the alphabet
    A B C D E F G H I J
  • Present a friend to the Class
    open answer
  • How do we say "22nd"?
  • What's the difference of "between" and "among"?
    between 2 things, among more than 2 things
  • What are the 5 first ordinal numbers?
    first, second, third, fourth and fifith
  • Where is the teacher?
    in front of the class
  • How do we say "17th"?
  • What is the day after Tuesday?
  • What time is it?
    ten to two
  • Present yourself (Name, age, origin, likes and dislikes)
    My name is ... I'm ... years old / I'm from ... / I like ...
  • Where is the cat?
  • Spell the name of your school
  • What is the country/nationality?
    Spain / Spanish
  • Complete: __________ Italian.
    They are / They're
  • Spell the alphabet backwords (10 letters)
  • What is the country/nationality?
    Mexico / Mexican
  • Where is the man?
    under the table
  • What time is it?
    three o'clock