
Normal Abdominal Anatomy

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  • The tail of the pancreas is closest to the _____ of the _____? (think which organ)
    Hilum of the spleen
  • The primary artery supplying the spleen is the:
    Splenic artery
  • What is considered the proximal portion of the common bile duct?
    The point of attachment of the cystic duct
  • Is the gallbladder intra- or retro- peritoneal?
  • The functional unit of the kidney
  • Which hepatic vein separates the left lateral segment of the left lobe from the left medial segment of the left lobe?
    Left hepatic vein
  • What part of the adrenal gland contains the zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculata, and zona reticularis?
    The cortex
  • Which of the following is located in the anterior pararenal space?: The aorta, the kidneys, the pancreas, or the adrenal glands?
  • Name the 3 part of the small intestine
    duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
  • The third main branches off the abdominal aorta are the _____ arteries