
Education Systems

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  • What is an adjective when someone is good at something?
  • What is it called when an education method is based on the needs and interests of children?
  • What is the English word fro "comportement"
  • "Passer un examen" in english?
    Take an exam
  • What is the term for what students are expected to learn and what teachers have to help students achieve?
    academic standards
  • "Assiter au cours" in English?
    Attend (a) class
  • What type of education is it when you pay a professional to help you with your studies and teach you?
    private tutoring
  • Students under 18 have to live full time at accommodation on their school grounds. They live and study in the same place. This is a.....
    Boarding School
  • What is a"mainstream" education?
    A regular public school and education system that most people have to do/follow.
  • What type of education is it when you study a course at home on your computer through the internet?
    a distance learning online course
  • What is the equivalent to a French "licence" in English?
    Bachelor's degree
  • "favoriser" in english
  • Give a noun and an adjective for the verb "innovate"
    innovation, innovative
  • Use an adverb and an adjective to say that someone has completed a lot of studies and education in educational institutions.
    highly educated/well educated
  • What is the equivalent of French"college" in the UK and the USA?
    UK - Secondary School/ USA - Middle School
  • Give a noun and an adjective for the verb "motivate"
    motivation, motivating
  • Use an adverb and an adjective to say that someone has a lot of motivation
    strongly motivated
  • What does "elitist" school/education/university mean?
    When institutions are very selective and only admit students with the highest grades and with very strong academic/intellectual records.