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  • Vast
    Adj- extensive, big
  • Languish
    V- lose strength
  • Preposterous
    A- foolish or silly
  • Clamor
    V- loud demands
  • Forlorn
    Adj- unhappy or miserable
  • Converge
    V- meets at the same point
  • Stability
    N- the state of being stable
  • Finicky
    A- extremely picky
  • Pandemoniun
    n- state of extreme confusion
  • Perilous
    Adj- full of danger
  • Robust
    A- healthy, big , vigorous
  • Gaunt
    Adj- lean forrward because of age
  • Antsy
    Adj- restless, unable to keep still
  • Mirage
    N- seems real but no
  • Cunningly
    A- in a clever snd dishonest way
  • Mosey
    V- walking in a leisure way ( as a hobbie)
  • Repertorie
    N- the full supply of what you can do
  • Franctically
    Adv- hurried way
  • Confine
    V- limit something
  • Veer
    V- to suddenly change direction