
spotlight 3 module 5

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  • Has your father got a car?
    Yes, he has./No, he hasn't
  • Can a frog jump?
    Yes, It can
  • ребенок- дети
  • рыба-рыбы
  • Have you got a hamster?
    yes,I have/no,I haven't
  • Have you got a family?
    Yes, I have/ No, I haven't
  • what can birds do?
    They can fly and sing
  • женщина-женщины
  • мышь-мыши
  • Has your mother got children?
    Yes, she has/ No, she hasn't
  • Have you got a dog?
    Yes, I have/No, I haven't
  • Can a rabbit fly?
    No It can't
  • у собаки есть 4 ноги и длинный хвост
    The dog has got 4 legs and a long tail
  • what can a parrot do?
    It can talk
  • овца-овцы
  • what can a spider do?
    It can crawl
  • what can a tortoise do?
    It can walk
  • У лягушки есть большие глаза и худые ноги
    The frog has got big eyes and thin legs
  • стопа-стопы
  • зуб-зубы
  • У слона есть толстое тело и короткий хвост
    The elephant has got a fat body and a short tail
  • У жирафа есть длинная шея и маленькая голова
    The giraffe has got a long tail and a small head
  • мужчина- мужчины