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  • an active element is...
    a part of an electronics product able to make energy
    a place where current comes from
  • closed
    when current pass through one circuit component
    allow current to travel from the end of power source to othe
  • open
    causing the current skip over part of a circuit
    stop current from one end of the power souce to the other
  • Stage is...
    a section of the electrical circuit
    the part of the electronics product that does one job
  • Bucle de circuito
    circuit loop
    energy source
  • capacitor
    device that produces energy
    device that stores energy
  • wire
    connect two sockets
    connect metal threads inside a piece of electrical equipment
  • shorted
    when current skip over part of a circuit
    when current flows to the end of the circuit
  • reservoir
    device that stores energy temporally
    device that stores energy permantently
  • rectified
    change into one polarity
    change the shape of a wheel