
Level 2 Semester 1 Quiz

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  • what does As-Sami mean?
    All Hearing
  • What is Shahadah?
    There is no God but Allah and Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His Messenger
  • What does adab mean?
    Good Behavior
  • What is Sawm?
  • How do you say the most kind in arabic?
  • How many names does Allah (SWT) have?
  • What does Bismillah mean?
    In the name of Allah (SWT)
  • What do we say before we start anything?
  • What does Al-Alim mean?
    All Knowing
  • What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
    Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakat, & Hajj
  • What does Ar-Rahman mean?
    The most Merciful
  • What does Salah mean?
  • How many gods do we believe in?
  • Do we believe that the only book Allah (SWT) ever gave us was the quran. Yes or No?
    NO we had other books but they were changed or lost.
  • What is Zakat?
    Giving money to the poor
  • What does Ar-Rahim mean?
    The most Kind
  • how many articles of faith do we have?
  • How do we say "in the name of Allah (SWT)" in arabic?
  • what does Al-Basir mean?
    All Seeing
  • How do you say the most Merciful in Arabic?
  • BONUS! Who can say the Shahadah in arabic or english?
    Ashadu an la ilaha illa illa-ilah, wa ashadu anna muhammadan rasul ullah. There is no God but Allah (SWT) and prophet Muhammad (SA) was his messenger.
  • How many pillars of Islam do we have?
  • What is Hajj?
    Journey to Makkah