
Speakout Unit 7 (2023)

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  • (phrase) something that is certain to fail from the start
    doomed to failure
  • (phrase) to keep money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly
    to save for a rainy day
  • (phrase): the only choice that remains after all others have been tried
    do something as a last resort
  • Help yourself and enjoy. My mom has made/ been making delicious cookies
    has made
  • (v): to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something
  • (n): a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
  • (ph.v): to fail to take advantage of an opportunity by doing or saying something wrong
    blow it
  • Yes. We have met/ been meeting each other before.
    have met
  • (n) a person with original ideas about what the future will or could be like.
    a visionary
  • (phrase) to think about or discuss something carefully for a long time
    to chew over an idea
  • (Phrase) be ambitious and successful in your or you studies
    be a high achiever
  • (n) idea or plan has not been considered carefully enough
    a half-baked idea
  • (v): become very skilled at something
  • (n) a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  • Hi Mary. I haven't seen/ been seeing you in ages.
    haven't seen you
  • My brother has travelled/ been travelling around the world for the last two years.
    has been travelling
  • (phrase) the person in a family who works to provide the money that the family needs to live on
    the breadwinner