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  • Sam didn’t ____ _________. He continued and he won the race!(to stop trying to do something)
    give up
  • You should ____ ____your room. It’s very messy.(to clean)
    clean up
  • I tried to____ ____my friend but he didn’t answer the phone.(to contact someone by telephone)
    call up
  • Let’s___ ___ some vegetables and make a salad (to cut into many pieces)
    Cut up
  • I went to bed late, so it was difficult to ____ ____ early this morning (To stand up; to get out of bed)
    get up
  • We should ____ _____ the car with gas before we drive to Florida.(to fill to the top)
    fill up
  • Please ___ ____the phone when you finish your call.(to end a telephone conversation)
    hang up
  • My little brother likes to ____ ____ stories about space aliens.(to say something not true)
    Make up
  • . Try to ___ ____Eduardo! You’re taking too much time!(to do something more quickly )
    Hurry up
  • Tommy wants to be an astronaut when he ____ ____.(to become an adult; to behave in a mature way)
    grows up
  • . I tried to ___ ____the numbers but I made a mistake.(to add numbers)
    ADD UP
  • My classmate was late. He finally ___ ____ at ten o’clock. (to arrive) PAST
    showed up