
Solutions Pre-Inter 5A 5C

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  • What job is this and what do they do?
    locksmith - fix/repair locks
  • What are the missing words?
    because, however, what's more (or similar)
  • What work activity does an au pair do?
    work with children
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    gardener - take care of plants, grass etc in gardens
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    Travel agent - they help people plan / book holidays
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    Paramedic - they help people in emergencies / drive ambulance / etc
  • What is more important to you: earning a lot of money OR doing a challenging and rewarding job? Why?
  • What are the missing words?
    feet, served, earn, wear
  • Which phrases show an opinion? (2)
    in my opinion, as I see it
  • What word describes doing the same thing over and over again?
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    farm worker - grow fruits/vegetables etc
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    receptionist - greet / help customers etc
  • Name 1 well-paid job and 1 badly-paid job
    e.g. well-paid = pilot / badly paid = cleaner
  • Name a job that is stressful and explain why.
  • Which phrases show an example? (3)
    For example, for instance, such as
  • What job is this? What do they do?
    Journalist - write stories for newspapers etc
  • What job is this?