
Modals of obligation, prohibition and permission

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  • You (aren't allowed to / don't have to) smoke anywhere on the premises. Go outside if you need a cigarette.
    aren't allowed to
  • She (doesn't have to / can't) work with us if she doesn't want to. I just thought she would like to.
    doesn't have to
  • (Can I / Am I allowed to) call my family on the company phone?
    Am I allowed to
  • You (need to / are allowed to) get a parking permit if you want to use tha car park.
    need to
  • For any other reason rathen than an emergency, employees (have to / can't) ask for their line managers'permission to make phone calls.
    have to
  • Employees (mustn't / have to) attend at least three training days per year to reeive a certificate.
    have to
  • The room over there is for having a coffee and taking a break. Anyone (can / needs to) use it
  • Employees (are allowed to / need to) make personal phone calls from company phones in the case of an emergency.
    are allowed to
  • You (mustn't / don't have to) drink the water from this tap. It's only for washing hands.
  • Employees (don't have to / mustn't) access the iternet for ersonal use during working hours.
  • Do we (have to / must) wait outside until the security guard arrives with the key?
    have to
  • Employees (can / must) use the internet as long as it is not excessive and during lunchtime or breaks only.