
Africa unit 1 test review

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  • What physical feature is this?
  • What physical feature is this?
    Atlas Mountains
  • What country is this?
    South Africa
  • A group of people who have a common spiritual belief system is a(n) _______ group.
  • What physical feature is this?
    Great Rift Valley
  • Which ethnic group is letter A?
  • What are the effects of desertification in Africa?
    less food, less livestock, less jobs, people have to move to the city
  • What physical feature is this?
  • Which ethnic group is letter B?
  • What physical feature is this?
    Lake Victoria
  • Which 2 ethnic groups are the most similar?
    Arab and Swahili
  • What country is this?
  • Which 2 African regions are sparsely populated?
    Sahara and Sahel
  • If you were a farmer in Africa, what would be the best 2 regions for you to live and work?
    savanna and tropical rainforest
  • What physical feature is this?
    Kalahari Desert
  • What country is this?
    Democratic Republic of Congo
  • What physical feature is this?
    Mount Kilimanjaro
  • A group of people who share a common ancestry, culture, traditions, customs, etc., is a(n) _______ group.
  • Which African region has faced problems resulting from increasing desertification over the last several decades?
  • The coastal climate of this feature in northern Africa is much less harsh than in the nearby desert
    Atlas Mountains
  • Which of the following reasons are why farming is so difficult in the Sahel? deforestation, desertification, water pollution
  • What physical feature is this?
    Niger River
  • Why is the population of the Sahara and Sahel so low?
    little farmland, little water, hot and arid, less jobs
  • This region is where some of Africa's most populated cities located
  • True or False-Deforestation can cause desertification
  • What physical feature is this?
    Congo River
  • True or False-Removing trees for farmland and commercial logging are causes of deforestation in Africa
  • What country is this?
  • What physical feature is this?
    Nile River
  • What country is this?
  • What are the EFFECTS of deforestation
    less animal habitats, less oxygen, desertification, more carbon dioxide, less medicines
  • What physical feature is this?
  • Which ethnic group is letter C?
  • What country is this?
  • Since the 1990s, more than 90% of West African rainforests have been cut down. What is this process called?
  • Which 2 industries has been hurt by Africa's water pollution problem? Fishing, Mining, Farming, Logging
    fishing and farming
  • Which region is being described: "Very few people live here because climate is too hot, water is scarce, and it is impossible to farm"?
  • What are the 3 causes of water pollution?
    human waste/sewage, industrial waste, agricultural runoff
  • Which ethnic group is letter D?
  • What physical feature is this?
    tropical rainforest