
VA Studies Weekly Week 12 Test Review

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  • How many slaves total do historians believe died during the passage from Africa to the New World?
    3-5 million
  • Why did American Indians die by the thousands?
    because of sickness that came from European countries
  • Who started growing tobacco as a cash crop at Jamestown?
    John Rolfe
  • Slave labor was used to grow the cash cfops of tobacco and ______________.
  • One slave too care of how many tobacco plants?
    10 to 20 thousand
  • Who did John Rolfe marry in 1614?
  • How many pounds of tobacco did Rolfe send to England in 1613?
    2,300 pounds
  • How did slavery change in 1662 in Virginia?
    A law said if your mother was a slave, you were a slave.
  • How long did slaves work in the fields?
    sunrise to sundown
  • What people group was less susceptible to European diseases?
  • African slaves were taken away from whom?
    Their families
  • Use the timeline in this week's paper ti answer this question: What happened first?
    John Rolfe grew tobacco that people liked.
    287,959 slaves lived in VIrginia.
    20 slaves arrived in Virginia.
    Virginia made $12 million from tobacco.
  • What did slave traders do to slaves on the ship (especially the men)?
    They chained them together in the bottom part of the ship.
  • Why is a tobacco hornworm hard to see?
    because they eat on the underside of leaves
  • What are cash crops?
    Crops that people sell to make money.
  • What was special about Anthony Johnson?
    He was an indentured servant who earned his freedom and owned land.
  • Why is the tobacco hornworm called "hornworm"?
    Because it has a red-colored horn on one end.
  • How many slaves total did slave traders bring to the New World in the 1650s?
    9 to 15 million
  • How young was the youngest slave who worked in the fields?
  • King James 1 of England said that tobacco was _____________.
  • What did slaves remove from tobacco leaves in order to protect a crop from being destroyed?
    tobacco hornworm
  • In 1705, the Virginia General Assembly wrote a law about slavery. It said:
    slavery was for life
  • When did Pocahontas die?
    on a trip to England with her husband
  • What was the slavery journey from Africa to North America called?
    the middle passage
  • For those who made money, tobacco was brown gold. For slaves, it was_______________.
    an evil weed
  • How did slaves kill tobacco hornworms before the worms could destroy the crop?
    They threw the hornworms on the ground and stomped on them.