
Celebrating Nelson Mandela

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  • In what year did apartheid start?
  • When was the Civil Rights Act passed? In which country?
    in 1968
  • What was written on the RESTROOMS signs for Rosa Parks?
  • Officially, why was Nelson Mandela arrested?
    For conspiring to overthrow the state.
  • What is the name of the book by Mandela mentioned in the article?
    Long walk to Freedom
  • What was apartheid?
    It was a system of racial oppression that existed in South Africa until the 1990s.
  • What does everybody remember about Martin Luther King's speach?
    The sentence "I have a dream.."
  • What is the SALT MARCH? When and where did it happen?
    in 1930.....
  • Who was born before Ghandi or Mandela?
    Ghandi 1869 - Mandela 1918
  • What is the meaning of "Separate but Equal"?
    IN the USA african Americans had to live separate lives from other Americans....ex...
  • When did Nelson Mandela become President of South Africa?
    May 10, 1994
  • How long did Apartheid last? How was it stopped?
    from 1948 until 1992 when Mandela became president
  • Rosa Parks..... what did she do and why?
  • What is Mandela's birth name?
    Rolihlahla Mandela
  • In what year did Nelson Mandela go to prison?
  • How many years did Nelson Mandela serve in prison?
    19 years
    32 years
    27 years
    22 years
  • What happened in 1960 in Sharpeville?
    The police killed 69 people
  • When was Nelson Mandela born?
    July 18, 1918
  • What was Mr. King's dream?
    Freedom and equality for all americans
  • Who freed Mandela from prison?
    President De Klerk
  • In 1993 Mandela was awarded...
    The Pulitzer Prize
    The Booker Prize
    Nobel Peace Prize
  • What did Mr. King do as a job?
    He was a church minister.
  • What happened to Ghandi in 1948?
    He was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist.
  • When was Rosa Parks born? in which state?
    1955, Alabama USA
  • Where did Ghandi studied law?
    In London
  • What is a boycot?
    A pacific protest. Examples.....
  • What was Ghandi fighting for and where.
    Freedom of India from the british governement
  • Who died last among the 4 activists for civil rights?
    Rosa Parks in 2005. She was 92.
  • When could African Americans vote for the first time in the USA?
    in 1965.
  • Who was the leader that inspired Mandela?
    Ghandi was an important example for Mandela and other leaders
  • Why was Ghandi released from prison?
    The governement was afraid he could die because he was not eating. This would have started a popular revolution
  • Martin Luther King was born in South Africa
    No, he was american