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  • Name the job
    a journalist
  • Name the job
    a cleaner
  • Name the job
    an engineer
  • Fill in the missing word: This is such a ______ job that I can't buy all the things that I need.
    badly paid
  • Name the job
    a factory worker
  • Name the job
    a computer programmer
  • Fill in the missing word: It's a _____ job. You have to solve many problems at the same time
  • Name the job
    a tour guide
  • Name the job
    a cook
  • Name the job
    a dentist
  • Name the job
    a firefighter
  • Name the job
    an architect
  • Name the job
    a teacher
  • Fill in the missing word: A firegifighter is a _____ job. You can get hurt.
  • Name the job
    a waitress
  • Fill in the missing word: This job is _______. You get a lot of money
  • Name the job
    a hairdresser